5 Must-Know Bookkeeping Best Practices for Small Business Owners

Personal finance management doesn’t take a lot of effort. You must have a personal account, retirement account, savings account, investments, and monthly payments. There must be some tax receipts and other documentation. But when it comes to business bookkeeping, it’s a lot of work. You need to manage the company’s expenses and employees’ salaries. 

There are also many more factors to consider. There are bookkeeping service providers with good knowledge of small- and medium-sized business owners. To make this process easier, hiring a small business accountant in Pembroke Pines is best. Follow these 5 best practices for bookkeeping!

  1. Keep Personal and Startup Finances Apart

Combining personal and company finances can lead to disastrous outcomes, misunderstandings, and challenges in maintaining an organization. Accounting standards, generally accepted accounting principles or GAAP, advise against combining personal and corporate funds. Be sure to write down any purchases made with personal credit cards for company purposes on your taxes.

  1. Put in Place Internal Controls

To lower the risk of fraud, you should implement internal controls in your business’s bookkeeping rules and practices. Dual control is a part of this for procedures that entail sending or receiving money in any form. One employee should, for instance, write the check, another should reconcile the bank account, and a third person should sign to approve the payment. Regarding internal controls, the individual handling accounting duties shouldn’t be the same person who answers the mail. 

  1. Monitor earnings and outlays

A basic spreadsheet is typically insufficient for tracking revenue and expenses in an expanding business. These tools make recording receipts easy, but to get a true financial picture, you’ll need to enter receipts weekly or even daily if you receive a lot of them daily. Your receipts should be kept on file no matter how little they seem. Accounting software can also classify sources of income and expenses, which can be useful in monitoring your overall financial trends and identifying areas for growth based on historical data.  

  1. Establish a timetable for your accounting.

If you have a crucial phone call, you will schedule time for it. Why not schedule time for your bookkeeping in addition? Set aside time to review your books once per week or once per month. Long-term, this will help you save time. It also guarantees you won’t have any tension at the end of the fiscal year!

Setting aside time for your books is wise, even if you outsource your accounting. Monitoring your bookkeeping can help you control your cash flow and make decisions.

  1. Keep an eye on employee time if you want to know how profitable you are

For companies that provide services: You can automate these procedures rather than manually inputting timesheet data into the system. You may easily input this information into your bookkeeping system with time-tracking and payroll automation by implementing an automated method for capturing project-related costs and employee time.

When payroll is processed for your business, the data from the timesheet is automatically entered into QuickBooks and posted. We configured it to code time at the level of the economic unit, the client, or the work so that, by tagging each job, you may get accurate profitability statistics. 


Maintaining your startup’s profitability over time is just as important as getting it off to a fantastic start. Keeping a business growing is challenging when it requires constant observation and creativity. By heeding the above advice, you can maintain a close watch on your business’s finances and devote all your attention to creating new concepts and propelling your firm to new heights of success.